Wednesday, 25 November 2020



We have been learning about Celebrations in Reception this half term. 

The children have talked about their Birthdays and other cultural family events like Eid, Christmas, Weddings, Chinese New Year, Easter and Diwali.

(Understanding the world: People and communities; Enjoys joining in with family customs; Recognises and describes special times or events for family or friends 30-50, 40-60)

The common themes have included dressing up, having special food, decorating the house, giving and receiving gifts, writing cards, parties, dancing and music.

We have also celebrated Children in Need, Remembrance Day, Black History Month as you can see in our BIG BOOK.

These pictures are a selection from our week of Diwali activities which included making cards, Diva pots, learning the story of Rama and Sita, mask making, Rangoli patterns, dancing and singing.

Unfortunately we were unable to invite parents in due to the pandemic but we can share the experience through the School Website & Class Dojo.

The children love to dress up in traditional or celebration clothes (PSED;Health and Self Care 30-50)

Expressive arts and design: Exploring and using media and materials; 40-60 builds up repertoire of songs and dances

This is a big year for the children as they learn to read and, here, writing cards for a purpose (Literacy; Writing 40-60 - gives meaning to marks)

Making thumb pots really helps to develop fine motor skills and decorating them enables their creative skills to shine through. (Physical Development: Moving and Handling;  Handles ... malleable materials safely and with increasing control)

Here are some children making masks to act out scenes from the story of Rama and Sita which we read and answered Who? What? and Where? questions (Expressive arts and design: Being imaginative; create props to support role-play)

The children have learned a lot about Diwali and celebrations.

Let's see what we can learn about Christmas...