As part of our Activity Celebrations throughout
the year we put on an Easter Hat Parade. Some children made their hats at home
with the help of family members and some children made them in school. Reception Classes also learned a song: Hip, Hip, Hooray (We’re Having A Holiday),
associated with actions.
The children were learning to
- ü Build their self-confidence by performing a song on stage and walking across it to display their hat.
- ü Develop their understanding of other faiths by learning about why Easter is celebrated.
- ü Sing songs and suggest movements linked to the words.
- ü Be imaginative about how they made their hats using a variety of materials, tools and techniques.
family members joined us and Nursery as we walked around the block and back
into the playground where they were cheered along by the rest of the school.
Then into the Drama Hall for the Show. Each class took their turn to sing
interspersed with an Easter Hat Catwalk. The Staff danced and sang Chick,
Chick, Chick, Chick, Chicken and loads of family members came up on stage to do
the Birdie Song. It was a great success. 9/4/19
Technical glitch...photos to follow.