Friday, 26 October 2018

Friendship Topic

We have been learning about Friendship. It has helped our new and old children develop good relationships, helped them to be more outgoing when we have visitors, start to sort out any disagreements themselves, learn to share and take turns with equipment. The children went on a Friendship Walk around school to meet People Who Help us, created a Friendship collage of a child with friendly quotes and made a Friendship Bracelet to give to our friend. They have begun to recognise feelings especially when others get upset and they try to comfort one another.

Thursday, 11 October 2018

September Starting....

Reception have certainly had a busy month settling into Welford Primary School. Thank you parents for making it a relatively smooth transition from previous settings or from home or our Welford Nursery. They have mostly learned the routines and know what to bring to school everyday - Book Bag, water bottle and coat, all at 10 to 9 so we can start our learning with SODA activities.

Our topic of Friendship has been very useful for learning The Welford School Rules of Respect (for all), Ready (to learn) and Responsibility. Children new to the school have also made new friends quickly. As part of the topic children met our 'friends' around the school who help us eg in the office, kitchen, caretaker etc.. Most children are doing very well at lunchtime with eating their dinner especially trying new foods. It certainly gives them lots of energy to race down the corridor on their way out to play in our developing outdoor environment.

The children have all been demonstrating their initial knowledge with counting, 2D shapes, reading and mark making. The children enjoy our daily Phonics sessions which help them with their writing and reading. They have also engaged in many other activities to develop creative, physical, role play and other skills. 

It was great to see so many family members at Parents Evening who are pleased with the childrens' start and looking forward to their Learning Journey by helping with  their targets.

Reception staff, new and old, are looking forward to an interesting year reaching new goals.